sports performance

Sport Science,
Sports Medicine and Beyond…

INTALEQ is well-versed in the designing and deployment of data acquisition platforms and applications to be utilized within the science & performance spheres of sports. These platforms empower coaches and players with detailed scientific insights to guarantee the best possible results.

Our portfolio in the Sports performance & science domains also includes the delivery of Football-based performance analytics, biomechanics and AI tools with experienced in-house capabilities in managing an extensive range of database platforms and operating systems that are required to build complex Machine Learning and Predictive Analytic solutions.

As the technology provider of one of the world’s leading youth sports academies, INTALEQ has also provided solutions built on niche sports development frameworks that drive young football players towards enhancing their psychological and physical performance.

Working closely with leading sports scientists, our method encompasses integrating the physical, physiological and psychological variables that influence an athlete’s performance. This holistic approach supports athletes and players by implementing modern concepts in training methodologies that is delivered by performance experts who have access to cutting-edge technologies courtesy of INTALEQ.

Our platforms are a key capability currently utilized by professional athletes either living in or visiting the state of Qatar.